Kruithoff Farms
Kent City, MI
Adoption of Technology
Added AgSense Telemetry Units to Pivots & Electric Valves to Water Infrastructure
Reports are provided with up-to-date information that show us how much water has been applied
The AgSense units can control our feed mill, dryer and grain system
Since we are both livestock and crop producers, we are busy and this allows us to save lots of time and trips to the field
Remote access from anywhere to turn on pivots and check status
This technology also eliminates pivot lanes, increased acres covered
Michigan Valley also has access to our panels allowing them to trouble shoot issues without coming to our farm, often diagnosing whether it’s electrical or a water issue getting us running quicker, sometimes without even a service call
Multiple pivots on well - we are able to direct water each pivot and start up remotely using electric valves
This year with dry spring, we were able to improve consistent germination using the pivots
Agri-Inject Injection Pumps
Injection pumps have been installed allowing application of macro and micronutrients along with crop protectants
Timely applications reduce plant stress, boosting yields
Corn applications can extend past the ability to use our high-boy, feeding and protecting our crops for the full growing season
Measurable Results from Pivots and Technology
Yield increases of 80-100 bushels / acre on corn have been common
20-30 bushels on our soybeans are expected
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