Would a Center Pivot Add Tons to My Alfalfa / Grass / Pasture?

Would a Center Pivot Add Tons to My Alfalfa / Grass / Pasture?

Alfalfa, hay, and mixed species pasture crops have a very high demand for water. If you could achieve 1st cutting yield on subsequent cuttings (Generally 30 – 60% of annual yield), would that peak your interest? The following information tries to give you a snapshot of what your hay and pastures need, compared to what mother nature provides. While these crops are a bit more difficult to measure, without a yield monitor, perhaps you should make the effort.


Based on an article by University of Nebraska extension, alfalfa can use up to .5” / day.  

The articles key Take Home Point:

Improve your alfalfa irrigation by watering early, with a goal of having at least the top six feet of soil at field capacity at first cutting.

First cutting alfalfa accounts for 30 – 60% of your annual yield.

Start Irrigating Early

At .27” / day that equals 1.89” / Week  (Common Peak demand in Michigan Climate)

At 1.89” / Week x 4 weeks = 7.56” / month


Average rainfall in Lansing, MI obtained from the National Climate Date Center is as follows:

May – 3.4”                  

June – 3.5”

July – 2.8”

August – 3.2”

September – 3.5”


This reflects a deficit of over 4” / mo


About the Author

Pete is the marketing manager for Michigan Valley Irrigation, having joined the company in 2016. He was raised on a dairy farm in western New York and graduated from Cornell University with a B.S. in agricultural economics. His entire working career of over 37 years has been involved in agriculture. A farmer helping farmers. When away from Michigan Valley he operates, Joyful Noise Farm, a small livestock and produce farm and spends time with his family.